Road freight service in Senegal
STMS Logistics is well focused on Road freight division as we do provide end to end solution to our customers and of course we do support them by delivering right next to their door.Our services can vary from standard trailers to flat and low beds depending on the needs of our customers and partners.STMS Logistics can also deliver to any job site in Mali that is our neighbouring country in which we do have various shipments.
The company is well used to support the activity of customers based in Mali whether in Bamako or elsewhere.
STMS Logistics is also experienced in moving heavy and out of gauge cargo within West Africa Region.Our company have an in-house engineer that do support and plan all the necessary steps and process toward a successful delivery.

Customized Goods Transport
STMS Logistics is capable of meeting all international road transport needs, even the most complex. We are committed to finding the transport solution best suited to your needs, whatever the type of goods you wish to transport.
Transportation of Dangerous Goods
STMS Logistics is approved for the transport of dangerous goods. We have a fleet of vehicles specially equipped for the transport of dangerous goods, which allows us to guarantee their safety throughout transport.
Transportation of Heavy Goods
STMS Logistics has particular expertise in the transport of heavy and oversized goods. We have a fleet of vehicles specially equipped for the transport of heavy goods, which allows us to guarantee their safety and compliance with current standards.
Transport of Miscellaneous Goods
STMS Logistics is approved for the transport of dangerous goods. We have a fleet of vehicles specially equipped for the transport of dangerous goods, which allows us to guarantee their safety throughout transport.

Our expertise in road transport in Senegal and Mali
works a lot on road freight division as we provide end to end solution to our customers and of course we support them by delivering to the final site.
Our services can vary from standard trailers to low loaders depending on the needs of our customers and partners. STMS Logistics can also deliver to any construction site in Mali which is a neighboring country and of which we have several shipments. The company is well accustomed to supporting the activity of clients based in Mali and especially in Bamako.
Our ability to transport heavy and oversized packages
- Experience in the West Africa region
STMS Logistics is also experienced in transporting heavy/oversized packages in the West Africa region.
- Notre engagement à la qualité et à la sécurité
Notre société dispose d’un ingénieur qui prend en charge et planifie toutes les étapes et processus nécessaires à une livraison réussie.